Friday, October 24, 2008


Today it is a great day. It was UN day. I dressed up as a swedish girl. it was great fun. I worked really hard getting the pictures and I hope it is correct. We have 10 mins for us to stop school. Yess!! Have to go!!!


Thursday, October 23, 2008


Today I started to do my script. It is great fun and I hope miss likes it. I Finshed it it was great I did 19 blocks I think it was not to much or not to little. I will try my best to go every lesson. I prommise. I have to try my best. I am loving what i am doing it is great.


Thursday, October 16, 2008



Today I worked my plan it was great. I did a lot of good work and i hope that my teacher will notice that. I didn't finished it the last lesson so i had to do it this lesson. I worked really hard. I have to go now.


Friday, October 10, 2008



Today we did the plan about the story that i ahve to do in swedish. it went really well i finished it well and quickly. it went really well and i also finished the time line. some people talked a lot put it went a right to them. i have to go!!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

My first Photo story

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Today I had to do a new photo story but it was easy. then I went to and made my story there. it was great and now I am going to put it in my blog.


Friday, October 3, 2008



Today I finished my photo story it was really nice. i loved doing every part of it. as i said in my last posto i am doing it of my best friends in class. it isa great fun. somepeople in class don't have their photos so i can't do it of them . for example matilde sg and more people. we also saw in lots of interesting tutorial. i have to go now but see you next week.


Thursday, October 2, 2008



Today we started my making our pratice tutorial it went really well i loved it. i made it about my friends and i. it went really well everybody wanted to copy me. i had a friend next to me and she was a bit annoying but it was all RIGHT.