Friday, September 26, 2008



Today i played games for 15 mins and then i started to do a practice tutorial. it is going to me about a radio station and my friend and i are going to be the presentors. so it is going to be real fun


Thursday, September 18, 2008



Today I finished my instroduction. It went really well i am so lucky to go to this school. i am going to start with the rest i have to go it is Friday



Today I tried do finish question six. I have to start doing this for homwork because we need to finish this tomorrow i have to work really hard next time.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Today i worked really hard i went to every single site there was and i looked in every page. i think that i did a great jod.

BBYE se you next week

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Todays lesson we played 15 mins typing games . Then we went and started to investigate the ADOBE PHOTOSHOP we are started to play with it. it is so much fun! We have two different programs the photoshop and photostory. Everybody in my class is going to be doing it in French but i have to do it in Swedish or in English because i am taking Swedish classes intead of French. Our big assenment we are going to be using PhotoStory. During two weeks we will be doing Investigation.


Friday, September 5, 2008


Today I started to do my Investigation. I am in question three and i have to try to finish today. So i have to go and work so plz wish me luck.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dear Blog,

Today is my second day in year 8 it is going great!
I am love it!
Today I started to know a little bit about year8 and what i was going to in I.T class.
This the first time that i am going to write in this blog so hope it is good.

