Tuesday, April 15, 2008



Today I am nearly finished with question two. I have many questions to finish but I have to take it camly. I can't worried to much. I really tried to work today but Luis was all ways talking but Miss. Castro changed him so now it is ok.


Friday, April 4, 2008

4th April 2008


Today in class i finished all the tutorials and i started to do my investigation. After i do this post i will do some games .

Hve to


Thursday, April 3, 2008

to: Ms: Dietrich

This is the three questions:

1. What did you learn from my pamphlet?

2. What can I improve next time I do it?

3. Did you learn something about the Ancient Rome?

this is my question eight.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Today in class we went to www.microsoft.com to do Exel Tutorials. Today i nearly finished it. i think Microsoft Exel is going really well because it there are very easy parts in it and sometimes is hard to understand for a kid my age because there are some really difficult words that i didn't undestand.

i will see you next post.