Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hi again,

I have to answer this question,
"What is the primary reason that we created our I.T blogs?"

I think the primamary reason that we created our blogs is because we have to reflect on our I.T lesson. We also do it because we have to record our work, we also do not waste paper doing it. We also do it for the year 7 student to reflect ion a more creative way.


In this I.T lesson we answered the question above.
" We is the primary reason that we created our I.T blogs?"
We also listen to a Microsoft tutorial to improve our I.T skills. The I.T tutorial also helps us to improve our listening skills and english skills. We also learnt a lot of information about Microsoft 2007.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Process Journal!

Welcome to my blog,

My name is Teresa.
I'm now doing an IT-blog, so my teacher Ms. Dietrich can correct!
I am going to do this process journal each class time for 10mins.
I hope you enjoy it!!

BYE!! Year 7 IT


Today in class we learned and created our own blogs.
Then we learned a bit more about Microsoft office 2007.
We also saw a sites that Ms. Dietrich showed us.
Most of the time we spent working on your blog and seeing the process that we have to do.

BYE!! See you next Lesson!